Handling HTML Markup with Drupal’s Migrate API

Benji Fisher, Marco Villegas

November 23, 2019


About us

Benji Fisher
Hook 42
drupal.org: benjifisher
twitter: @benji17fisher

Marco Villegas
drupal.org: marvil07
twitter: @marvil07

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Drupal 8 Migrate API

  • Upgrade Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 sites
  • Migrate sites from other systems to Drupal
  • Imports from external systems (feeds)

A robust, flexible tool.

Migrate API: structured data

  • file attachments
  • related taxonomy terms
  • references to authors
  • references to other nodes

Migrate API: unstructured text

What about unstructured text with HTML Markup?

  • Regular expressions (old)
  • HTML parsing (recent)

Our approach: we wrote new Migrate process plugins in Migrate Plus for Pega Systems/Isovera.


  • Introduction
  • Parsing HTML: regexp
  • Parsing HTML: DOMDocument
  • Drupal 8 Migrate API
  • (Possible) Future
  • Conclusion

Parsing HTML: regexp

At a glance


Regular expression

Simple example (?)

Extract the URL from

<a href="https://www.drupal.org">Drupal home page</a>

Parsing HTML: preg_match()

Extract the URL:

$markup = '<a href="https://www.drupal.org">Drupal home page</a>';
$regexp = '/<a href="([^"]+)">/';
preg_match($regexp, $markup, $matches);
$url = $matches[1];

Parsing HTML: not so simple


  • HTML tags: match a or A
  • Other attributes: class, id, name, …
  • Single quotes or double quotes
  • Newlines within the HTML element
  • Are escaped quotes (like \") allowed in a URL?

Trick question: do not reinvent the wheel!

Parsing HTML: right answer, wrong question

$regexp = '/<\s*a\b'
    . '[^>]*\bhref'
    . '\s*=\s*'
    . '(["\'])([^"\']+)\1'
    . '/i';
preg_match($regexp, $markup, $matches);
$url = $matches[2];

Parsing HTML: innocent question

From StackOverflow:

I need to match all of these opening tags:

<a href="foo">

But not these:

<br />
<hr class="foo" />

Parsing HTML: Cthulhu (1/3)

The answer:

You can’t parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can’t be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. …

Parsing HTML: Cthulhu (2/3)

The answer:

Every time you attempt to parse HTML with regular expressions, the unholy child weeps the blood of virgins, and Russian hackers pwn your webapp. Parsing HTML with regex summons tainted souls into the realm of the living. …

Parsing HTML: Cthulhu (3/3)

The answer:

Have you tried using an XML parser instead?

Parsing HTML: DOM

At a glance


Document Object Model (DOM)

DOMDocument basics

The DOM extension uses GNOME’s libxml library in the background. DOM includes XML Path Language (XPath) traversing.

$document = new \DOMDocument();
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);

foreach ($xpath->query('//a') as $html_node) {
  $href = $html_node->getAttribute('href');
  echo $href;

XPath Examples

With $xpath->query($selector), …

$selector Matches
//a all <a> elements
//a[class="external"] all <a> elements with class="external"
//li[class="nav"]/a all <a> elements direct children of <li class="nav">

DOMDocument output

After processing, return an HTML string:

$processed_html = $document->saveHTML();

Drupal 8 Migrate API

ETL paradigm

In Drupal 8, the Migrate API follows the standard Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) structure:

  • Extract (source plugin): read data from the source
  • Transform (process plugins): change data to match the site’s structure
  • Load (destination plugin): save the data

The Transform/process phase is the right place to handle HTML processing.

At a glance


Migrate dom* process plugins


New process plugins for managing HTML

Four process plugins in the Migrate Plus module:

  • dom
  • dom_str_replace
  • dom_migration_lookup
  • dom_apply_styles

Goal: make it easy to process text fields with proper HTML parsing.

The dom plugin

  • Create DOMDocument object from string
  • Create string from DOMDocument object
      plugin: dom
      method: import
      source: 'body/0/value'
    # Other plugins do their work here.
      plugin: dom
      method: export

dom_str_replace plugin

Change the subdomain during migration:

      plugin: dom_str_replace
      mode: attribute
      xpath: '//a'
        name: href
      search: 'documentation.example.com'
      replace: 'help.example.com'

Use str_replace() or preg_replace() on the href attribute.

dom_apply_styles plugin

Search for an XPath expression. Replace with styles configured in the Editor module.

      plugin: dom_apply_styles
      format: full_html
          xpath: '//b'
          style: Bold


Like core Migrate’s migration_lookup plugin.

      plugin: dom_migration_lookup
      mode: attribute
      xpath: '//a'
        name: href
      search: '@/node/(\d+)@'
      replace: '/node/[mapped-id]'
        - article
        - page

(Possible) Future

More process plugins

Different parsers than DOM

Just an FYI, my goto for HTML parsing has been querypath, it’s especially good if you’re dealing with old-school HTML (no </p>, etc.). ‒ mikeryan on #2958281-7

Different parsers than DOM

  • url source plugin data parsers
  • Make process plugins data extensible: use core typed data.


Masterminds\HTML5::loadHTML() -> \DOMDocument





Creative Commons License
This slide deck by Benji Fisher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://gitlab.com/benjifisher/slide-decks.